How to Start Your Digital Zettelkasten Within The Next 30 Minutes

The 4 Easy Steps to Get Started, Learn Better, And Remember Everything You Read

Matt Giaro
12 min readDec 30, 2021
Image by Author

When it comes to note-taking, starting a digital Zettelkasten is the hot thing right now.

And for good.

Because it makes you become a better thinker, helps you get more done in less time, and boosts your creativity.

But here’s the issue:

A lot of people talking about the Zettelkasten like to make it complicated

And thus, many people get bogged down by the complexity of it and just keep taking notes the dumb way.

I don’t like complicated stuff.

So in this article, I will show you the 4 simple steps so that you can start your digital Zettelkasten right after reading this.

Because the earlier you get started, the better it is.

By the time I’m writing this, I started my own Zettelkasten 4 months ago

And here’s what it already looks like:

Digital Zettelkasten note clusters
Image provided by Author



Matt Giaro

6 Figure Creator. Helping experts turn their ideas into income with online content (in just 2h/day.) Start now 👉